A company of LBBW
Whereas with ImmoAval the savings bank participates in a syndicate through liability, this is the other way around with ImmoGarant. Berlin Hyp participates in the syndicate with a guarantee of at least 51% of the financing volume, while the savings bank provides the complete refinancing.
The key points of ImmoGarant
- Pari passu cash participation in joint financing with Berlin Hyp
- Up to two savings banks refinance 100% of the liquidity in return for the guarantee from Berlin Hyp for at least 51% of the financing amount.
The advantages for you
ImmoGarant is the perfect product for savings banks that are more active on the liabilities side, as it combines the best of both worlds: The opportunity to generate interesting new business while at the same time achieving a high liquidity outflow with significant liability involvement on the part of Berlin Hyp.